Imagine being on the brink of broke when suddenly you snag a multi-millionaire marketing client for your self-started business. The only catch: you have to sign the contract today and you have to spend significant time on-sight so you can really get to the heart of what makes the company tick.
Oh, and you have to convince the owner's grandson that the place is worth sticking around for.
Wow. Jane and Tripp, what a ride!
While Strawberry Fields for Never is marketed as an "Enemies to Lovers sweet romantic comedy", I personally would call it a friends to lovers where they made a bad (first) second impression. There was some snarky banter but it always felt more to me like flirty friends banter than enemies.
I really appreciate a relationship where both people can support the other. Tripp and Jane were a bit like night and day but they complimented each other in all the right ways. Jane needed that love and support. She had to grow up way too early in life and has taken on the "mother" role even when maybe she shouldn't. Tripp who has never quite felt good enough was able to find that in Jane. Together they were both able to work through their traumas and hone their strengths. And when they messed up they had their friends to get them back on the right path.
Speaking of friends: The friend groups in this book were one of my favorite things, I wish I'd been able to have more of them! I can't wait to read about Millie and Duke.
Also ... there were baby llamas. So ...
This is a sweet and swoony romantic comedy (i.e. no spice/closed door)
Thanks for the chance to read an eARC Kate Watson! It was a pleasure.
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