Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Break-Up Pact by Emma Lord


The Break-Up PactThe Break-Up Pact by Emma Lord
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Let's premise this review with this little fact: I have loved most, if not all, of Emma Lord's YA novels I've picked up. I was beyond excited for this Adult fiction when I heard about it.

It's possible I just wasn't in the right mood for this book when I listened, or maybe I'd psyched myself up too much? but I loved the narrator, Natalie Naudus. She did a fantastic job. 

I had a really hard time connecting with the main characters and understanding their hang-ups and choices. (Third Act confusion to nth degree)

[Spoiler] Who goes back to live with their Ex while figuring out their future life logistics and dating someone else!? I'd be so angry if I was dating that guy.[/spoiler]

I also felt like a lot of the book was written with cliche plot points and not a lot of originality and I was actually excited when ...

[spoiler]... she lost her tea shop because FINALLY something was different ... until it wasn't because she literally got it back in the same spot and everything ... [/spoiler]

I wanted to root for them but I found myself just not caring enough about what happened and wishing the book would hurry up and end because it felt like each chapter was just the same thing/emotions happening over and over but with different words. 

I did enjoy the small-town, beach setting and the back story of the main characters. It was a cute romcom, I just wish a few key elements had been handled differently, or in a way that made more sense to me.

The side characters in this book were all phenomenal and I would love to read more about them!

Thank you to MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for the ALC in exchange for my own opinion.  

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